HMC Health Physical Therapy
Our Physical Therapy staff are highly trained and experienced in orthopedic and manual therapy. Offering cutting edge skills in assessment, treatment and individualized planning for return to work, daily activities, or competitive sports. As a patient, you will experience the competent use of manual therapy, which includes joint mobilization, soft tissue work, motor patterning and the latest advances in exercise techniques. You will receive a personalized exercise program created specifically for you. You will be guided through a specialized program which will address the specific stage and nature of your specific condition or injury. Our therapists will work with you to reach your goals and expedite your return to your chosen activity -whether that is a, the rapid return to work or a stroll around the park. All of our therapists are prepared to provide you with the help and guidance that you need in
your strive for wellness.
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy involves the assessment, treatment, management of movement dysfunction and enhancement of physical functional abilities. Physical therapy includes the examination, evaluation, and treatment provided by a physical therapist.Treatment is directed toward the restoration, maintenance and promotion of optimal physical function. Treatment includes the recovery of current symptoms and the prevention of the progression of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities that
may result from diseases, disorders, conditions, and/or injuries.
What to expect as a Patient
At HMC Health Physical Therapy, you will work together with your physical therapist in a quiet and comfortable environment towards recuperation. All our sessions, including the initial evaluation, require a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes. During the initial evaluation, you will discuss your symptoms and desired outcome with your therapist. After the discussion your physical therapist will perform a hands-on evaluation of your condition. Based on your goals, the requests of your referring physician and the results of the evaluation, you and your physical therapist will agree upon a treatment plan.
HMC Health Physical Therapy offers a full range of treatment for disorders, conditions and injuries:
Treatment for injury to ankle/foot, knee, hip, shoulder, back/neck/head, elbow/hand
Evaluation and treatment of pain or discomfort during exercise or movement
Fitness evaluation: flexibility, strength, body composition, posture, balance and aerobic conditioning
Sports injuries
On the job injuries (L&I)
Auto accidents (MVA, Personal Injury)
Quality Treatment
Licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants
Treatments designed to fit your individual and personal needs.
All our therapists are accustomed to treating patients who have not responded to previous treatment or other care.
The use of the most progressive treatment techniques to help with your recovery from pain and lack of limb flexibility, coordination, balance, endurance, speed and strength.
Treatments and Techniques
Soft Tissue Mobilization: contract/relax, strain/counter strain, myofascial release, stretching.
Joint Mobilization
Exercise Prescription/Progression: Home and clinical exercise programs are based on a functional and dynamic approach, which have immediate carry over to your sports and activities of daily living.
Education: Risk factors, Static/Dynamic Postural, Biomechanical and Prevention.
Therapeutic Ultrasound - Continuous sound waves absorbed by the body that can reduce or control pain & muscle spasms, increase circulation and soft tissue flexibility.
Interferential Electric Stimulation- Two independent channels of electrical current crossing each other to ease deep tissue pain.
Moist Heat - Increases blood flow, soft tissue flexibility, tissue length, relaxes muscles and decreases joint stiffness.
Paraffin - Used for heating distal extremities, and irregular surfaces.
Ice - Controls inflammation, pain & edema, reduces muscle spasms.
Ice Massage- Direct localized application of ice to the skin for 8-10 minutes to decrease pain and inflammation.
我們的物理治療人員在骨科和手法治療方面訓練有素且經驗豐富。提供評估、治療和重返工作、日常活動或競技運動的個人化規劃的尖端技能。作為患者,您將體驗到手法治療的熟練運用,其中包括關節活動、軟組織治療、運動模式訓練和最新的運動技術進展。您將收到專門為您制定的個人化運動計劃。我們會為您安排一個專門的計劃,針對您特定狀況或受傷的特定階段和性質。我們的治療師將與您一起努力,達到您的目標並加快您恢復到您選擇的活動 - 無論是快速返回工作崗位還是在公園散步。我們所有的治療師都準備好為您提供您追求健康所需的幫助和指導。
作為患者應做何準備 在休康復健物理治療中心,您將在安靜舒適的環境中與物理治療師一起進行復健治療。我們的所有會議(包括初步評估)至少需要 45 到 60 分鐘。在初步評估期間,您將與您的治療師討論您的症狀和期望的結果。討論之後,您的物理治療師將對您的狀況進行實際評估。根據您的目標、轉診醫生的要求和評估結果,您和您的物理治療師將就治療計劃達成一致。
體能評估:柔韌性、力量、身體組成、姿勢、平衡和調節治療 運動損傷
關節活動 運動處方/進展:家庭和臨床運動計畫基於功能性和動態性方法,可直接應用於您的運動和日常生活活動
治療性超音波 - 身體吸收的連續聲波,可減輕或控制疼痛和肌肉痙攣,增加血液循環和軟組織柔韌性
冰按摩-將冰直接局部敷在皮膚上 8-10 分鐘,以減輕疼痛和發炎