HMC Health Primary Care - Providers
Dr. Kevin Lyu, MD
Board Certified with CAQ Sports Medicine, American Board of Family Medicine
Dr. Kevin Lyu is a fellowship-trained, double board-certified family medicine and sports medicine doctor. In addition to managing a wide variety of conditions as a primary care doctor, Dr. Lyu also specializes in many orthopedic conditions, such as arthritis, by utilizing physical therapy and injections. Dr. Lyu aims to combine his expertise in both fields to provide comprehensive medical care for the physically active individual.
Having spent his childhood in New York and later in Taiwan, Dr. Lyu is bilingual in both English and Mandarin Chinese. More About Dr. Lyu
呂汶錫醫學博士是一名雙專科認證的家庭醫學及運動醫學科醫生。 除了精通各種急性及慢性疾病之外, 呂醫師也專治各種骨科類病痛, 例如關節炎, 並透過復健或針劑等非手術的方式治療。 呂醫師運用他雙專科的醫術來給運動愛好者或想增加身體活動力的患者提供全方位服務。
呂醫師成長過程中住過紐約以及台灣, 並精通中英文。 更多關於呂醫生
Cindy Toth, FNP-BC
Board Certified, American Nurses Credentialing Center
Master of Science in Nursing, Texas Woman's University
Cindy Toth, FNP-BC is a board certified family nurse practitioner. She graduated from Texas Woman’s University with a Master of Science in Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner. Previous, she obtained Bachelor of Science in Nursing had extensive experience with med-surg, cardiopulmonary care, and ambulatory/outpatient care. Cindy is a native Houstonian, married with two children. She enjoys traveling, reading, and watching movies.
辛蒂護理師是一名經過委員會認證的家庭執業護理師。她畢業於德州女子大學,獲得護理家庭護理師執業理學碩士學位。 此前,她獲得了護理理學學士學位,在外科、心肺護理和門診/門診護理方面擁有豐富的經驗。辛蒂是土生土長的休士頓人,已婚並育有兩個孩子。 她喜歡旅行、閱讀和看電影。